What do our alumni do today? Some researchers remained at PRIF, working as research fellows, head of research projects or even in PRIF’s Executive Board. Others went on to have careers at universities and independent research institutes, in policy-making, business, science management and in civil society or international organizations.
Abay Gaspar, Hande (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Varianz salafistischer Radikalisierungsprozesse
Co-head of research group, Postdoctoral Researcher, PRIF
Akbari, Semiramis (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Religiöse Wissensgenerierung und Modernisierung: Wandel religiös-politischer Deutungsmuster im politischen Diskurs der Schia und Verschiebungen der inneren Machtbalance im postrevolutionären Iran (Nomos)
Anderl, Felix (former postdoctoral researcher)
Professor of Conflict Studies at Philipps University Marburg
Anthes, Carolin (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Institutional Roadblocks to Human Rights Mainstreaming in the FAO: A Tale of Silo Culture in the United Nations System (Springer VS)
Babajew, Aser (former postdoctoral researcher)
Assistant Professor at the Chair of Political Sciences at ADA University Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baumgart-Ochse, Claudia (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Demokratie und Gewalt im Heiligen Land: Politisierte Religion in Israel und das Scheitern des Osloer Friedensprozesses (Nomos)
Project Director/Senior Researcher, PRIF
Beinlich, Ann-Kristin (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Der Mythos von moralischen Akteuren. Von norm- und interessengeleiteten Zielen religiöser Nichtregierungsorganisationen bei den Vereinten Nationen
Project coordinator/project management "Religion-sensitive civic education"
Bell, Arvid (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: At War for Friends: Germany, 9/11, and a Cultural Theory of International Relations
Braungart, Clara (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Religion und Transitional Justice. Religiöse Nichtregierungsorganisationen zwischen Versöhnung und Bestrafung (Springer VS)
Senior Policy Officer at Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklungshilfe e.V (AGEH)
Buckley-Zistel, Susanne (former postdoctoral researcher)
Director, Professor at the Center for Conflict Studies at Philipps University Marburg
Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Corporate Social Responsibility zwischen globaler Diffusion und Lokalisierung (Nomos)
Project Director/Senior Researcher, PRIF
Daphi, Priska (former postdoctoral researcher)
Professor of Sociology of Conflict at the department of Sociology at Bielefeld University
Deitelhoff, Nicole (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Überzeugung in der Politik. Grundzüge einer Diskurstheorie internationalen Regierens (Suhrkamp)
Executive Director/Head of Research Department, PRIF
Eilles-Matthiessen, Claudia (former postdoctoral researcher)
El Ouazghari, Karima (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Islamisten im Wandel: Die Islamic Action Front in Jordanien und die An-Nahdha in Tunesien in sich verändernden Kontexten (Nomos)
Feil, Moira (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Global Governance and Corporate Responsibility in Conflict Zones (Palgrave)
Fischer, Sabine (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Russlands Westpolitik in der Krise 1992-2000. Eine konstruktivistische Untersuchung (Campus)
Senior Fellow, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
Fischer, Susanne (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Reisen für den Frieden? Engagement von Unternehmen der Tourismusbranche in Israel und den Palästinensischen Gebieten (Nomos)
Fischer-Lescano, Andreas (former postdoctoral researcher)
Flohr, Annegret (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Self-Regulation and Legalization: Making Global Rules for Banks and Corporations (Palgrave)
Quality development, Demeter e.V.
Freistein, Katja (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Institutioneller Wandel im (Kon)Text. Sicherheitsgemeinschaft und Charta im Diskurs der ASEAN (Nomos)
Friesendorf, Cornelius (former postdoctoral researcher)
Senior Researcher at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Politics at Hamburg University
Geis, Anna (former postdoctoral researcher)
Professor of Political Science, focusing on International Security and Conflict Studies at Helmut-Schmidt-University/Bundeswehr University Hamburg
Gerke-Unger, Kinka (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Die USA und die Reform der Streitschlichtung des GATT : US-amerikanische Handelspolitik im Spannungsfeld regimefördernder und regimewidriger Anforderungen
U.S. Generalkonsulat Frankfurt
Gertheiss, Svenja (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Diasporic Activism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Routledge)
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, Berlin
Göğüş, Sezer İdil (former doctoral researcher)
Project officer at the umbrella organization of migrant women's organizations DaMigra
Götze, Catherine (former postdoctoral researcher)
Senior Lecturer for International Relations at University of Tasmania (Australia)
Gromes, Thorsten (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Demokratisierung nach Bürgerkriegen. Das Beispiel Bosnien und Herzegowina (Campus)
Project Director/Senior Researcher, PRIF
Haidvogl, Andreas (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Unternehmen als Friedensmacher? Zur Rolle privatwirtschaftlicher Akteure im nordirischen Friedensprozess (Nomos)
Hasenclever, Andreas (former postdoctoral researcher)
Professor of Peace Research and International Relations at the Institute for Political Science in Tübingen
Herr, Stefanie (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Nichtstaatliche Gewaltakteure und das Humanitäre Völkerrecht: SPLM/A und LTTE im Vergleich (Nomos)
Herschinger, Eva (former postdoctoral researcher)
Senior Researcher, Center for Intelligence and Security Studies, Bundeswehr University Munich
Hofmann, Gregor P. (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Gerechtigkeitskonflikte und Normentwicklung. Die internationale Umstrittenheit der Responsibility to Protect (Springer VS)
Officer in the Presidential Department, Berlin Social Science Center
Homolar, Alexandra (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Winning the Peace: Remaking US Defense Policy after the Cold War
Associate Professor of International Security, University of Warwick (UK)
Humrich, Christoph (former postdoctoral researcher)
Assistant Professor at the Institute of International Relations at University of Groningen
Jakob, Una (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Die Abrüstungs- und Nichtverbreitungspolitik Irlands und Kanadas. Eine konstruktivistische Analyse (Springer VS)
Jakobi, Anja (former postdoctoral researcher)
Professor, International Relations at TU Braunschweig
Jacobs, Andreas (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Responsible Mining and Local Development in Kenya (Nomos)
Development Policy, Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union
Jüngling, Konstanze (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Internationale Menschenrechtskritik an Großmächten (Nomos)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart
Karakas, Cemal (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Externe Demokratieförderung in muslimisch geprägten Ländern: Die USA, Deutschland und das Erstarken des politischen Islam in der Türkei (Nomos)
Policy Analyst, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), European Parliament
Kim, Tongfi (former postdoctoral researcher)
Assistant Professor at Vesalius College in Brussels
Kladzinski, Magdalena (former postdoctoral researcher)
Freelancer: Coaching and further education
Koch, Cordelia (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Verfassung im Kraftfeld von Krieg und Frieden (Nomos)
Local politician in Berlin-Pankow
Kohler, Christina (former postdoctoral researcher)
Portfolio Manager, KfW
Lesch, Max (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Dynamics of deviance: torture and its prohibition in world politics
Liste, Philip (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Völkerrecht-Sprechen. Die Konstruktion demokratischer Völkerrechtspolitik in den USA und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Nomos)
Professor, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Melzer, Olaf (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Der Europarat und Russland 1992 - 2006. Demokratieförderung in Russland (Springer VS)
Müller, Nina (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Policing in Nigeria. Entwicklungspolitische Interventionen, lokale Praktiken und Transformationen der Sicherheitsarchitektur (Springer VS)
Ottendörfer, Eva (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Die internationale Politik der Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung. Global-lokale Interaktion in Timor-Leste (Nomos)
Postdoctoral Reasearcher, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO
Poppe, Annika Elena (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: U.S. Democracy Promotion After the Cold War: Stability, Basic Premises, and Policy Towards Egypt (Routledge)
Academic Coordinator, Regional Research Center “Transformations of Political Violence“ (TraCe), PRIF; self-employed as a systemic coach
Rasmussen, Rexane Sarah (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Internationale Organisationen als Vermittler in innerstaatlichen Konflikten: Die OSZE und der Berg-Karabach-Konflikt (1992-1998) (Campus)
Senior Strategic Adviser, Centogene AG
Rauch, Carsten (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Das Konzept des friedlichen Machtübergangs: Die Machtübergangstheorie und der weltpolitische Aufstieg Indiens (Nomos)
Press Spokesperson, State Office for the Protection of the Constitution
Rosert, Elvira (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Die Nicht-Entstehung internationaler Normen. Permissive Effekte in der humanitären Rüstungskontrolle (Springer VS)
Assistant Professor, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH), University of Hamburg
Ruppel, Samatha (former researcher)
Schindler, Sebastian (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Explanation and Allegation: Self-Interest in International Relations and in the U.N. Food Agency Fight
Researcher, Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science, LMU
Schörnig, Niklas (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Theoretisch gut gerüstet? Die amerikanische Rüstungsindustriepolitik der 1990er Jahre aus IB-Perspektive (Nomos)
Deputy Chairperson of the Research Council/Project Director/Senior Researcher, PRIF
Schor-Tschudnowskaja, Anna (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Gesellschaftliches Selbstbewusstsein und politische Kultur im postsowjetischen Russland. Eine Studie zu den Deutungsmustern "eigen", "unser" und "fremd" (Nomos)
Assistant Professor at SFU Vienna
Süß, Clara-Auguste (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Radicalization of the Marginalized? Dynamics of Islamist Radicalization in Tunisia post-2011
Thiel, Thorsten (former postdoctoral researcher)
Research Group Leader »Digitalization and Democracy« Weizenbaum-Institute for the Networked Society
von Carlowitz, Leopold (former postdoctoral researcher)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Wagner, Wolfgang (former postdoctoral researcher)
Professor at the Institute of Political Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Weiberg-Salzmann, Mirjam (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Ursachen und Erklärungen gewaltförmiger Konflikte in Demokratie der Dritten Welt: Konfrontation, Konflikteskalation und Gewaltpolitik
Senior Research Fellow, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institute of Political Science
Weipert-Fenner, Irene (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: The Autocratic Parliament. Power and Norm Dynamics in Egypt, 1866-2011
Project Director/Senior Researcher, PRIF
Wisotzki, Simone (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Die Nuklearwaffenpolitik Großbritanniens und Frankreichs. Eine konstruktivistische Analyse (Campus)
Project Director/Senior Researcher, PRIF
Wolff, Jonas (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Turbulente Stabilität: Die Demokratie in Südamerika diesseits ferner Ideale (Nomos)
Member of the Executive Board, Head of Research Department, PRIF
Wunderlich, Carmen (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: „Schurkenstaaten“ als Normunternehmer? Iran und die Kontrolle von Massenvernichtungswaffen (Springer VS)
Research Associate at University Duisburg-Essen
Wurm, Iris (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Die Kooperation des Hegemons USA mit Saudi-Arabien und Pakistan.? Fremde oder Freunde? (Nomos)
Research Fellow, Chair of International Relations, Goethe-University Frankfurt
Zimmermann, Lisbeth (former doctoral researcher)
Dissertation: Global Norms with a Local Face? Rule-of-Law Promotion and Norm Translation. Cambridge Studies in International Relations (Cambridge University Press)
Zinecker, Heidrun (former postdoctoral researcher)
Retired Professor for International Relation at the Institute of Political Sciences at Leipzig University
You want to contact one of our alumni? Please let us know:
Phone: 069-959104-0 / email: