Normativity of International Practices
With the introduction of practice theories to International Relations (IR), the discipline has begun to revisit several of its key concepts by taking international practices as the central unit of analysis. This includes the notions of norms and normativity. How can practice theories contribute to the vivid research area of IR norms research? How are international practices linked to international norms and vice-versa? How can we criticize international practices? This project explores the manifold and intricate links between normativity and practice. Drawing on field-theoretical approaches and the pragmatic sociology, the project contributes to a better understanding of how actors cope with and shape overlapping fields and multiple, hybrid “orders of worth”. Theoretically, the project shifts the focus from studying individual norms to the normative multiplicity and hybridity of international practices. Empirically, the project studies disputes about transnational practices such as corruption in the German parliament or infrastructure projects in China’s Belt and Road Initiative. It analyses situated disputes in which international practices are evaluated, contested, and changed.
- Field Overlaps, Normativity, and the Contestation of Practices in China's Belt and Road Initiative | 2022
Lesch, Max / Loh, Dylan (2022): Field Overlaps, Normativity, and the Contestation of Practices in China's Belt and Road Initiative, in: Global Studies Quarterly, 2:4, 1-12, DOI: 10.1093/isagsq/ksac068.
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- Multiplicity, Hybridity and Normativity: Disputes about the UN Convention against Corruption in Germany | 2021
Lesch, Max (2021): Multiplicity, Hybridity and Normativity: Disputes about the UN Convention against Corruption in Germany, in: International Relations, 35:4, 613-633, DOI: 10.1177/0047117820965662.
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- China's Strategic Practices in the Belt and Road Initiative | 2021
Lesch, Max / Loh, Dylan (2021): China's Strategic Practices in the Belt and Road Initiative, in: Global Cooperation Research: A Quarterly Magazine, 3:1, 19-22,
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- Praxistheorien und Normenforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen – Zum Beitrag der pragmatischen Soziologie | 2017
Lesch, Max (2017): Praxistheorien und Normenforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen – Zum Beitrag der pragmatischen Soziologie, in: diskurs, 1–23,
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