European security and Russia

The crisis in Ukraine has changed the political landscape in Europe and made it clear that the vision of the Paris Charter of the Helsinki Commission from 1990, that a Europe "whole and free" would emerge after the end of the Cold War, cannot be realized in the foreseeable future. The fact that the regime crisis in Ukraine quickly turned into a crisis of the European order is largely due to Russia's policy, as shown by the annexation of the Crimea and the war of secession in the Donbas, which was fueled and since September 2014 also controlled from Moscow. Russia's behaviour, on the other hand, is the result both of the country's authoritarian transformation under its president Vladimir Putin and of the fact that after the end of the Cold War Russia did not find a place in the European order that was accepted by all sides, and in particular by Moscow.

Since the creation of a common European security area, which had never been pursued consistently anyway, has been shattered, security and cooperation in Europe must be placed on an entirely new footing. The (temporarily forgotten) instrument box from the relaxation period of the Cold War can be helpful here, as further orientations simply don't exist. The aim is therefore to prevent a new arms spiral based on the current singular combination of confrontation and cooperation and to secure and expand the remaining elements of cooperation, particularly in the economic sphere. This requires rules of conduct and common institutions. And there is a need for new approaches to dealing with the regulatory differences - the value gap - between Russia and the West.

For this task, in addition to continuously observing current developments in the new East-West relationship and, in particular, in Russia, orientation knowledge is being developed and made available to accompany political action. This will be done in various formats, through relevant publications, conferences, personal consultation and networking activities. The latter includes, for example, a research cooperation with the "National Research University Higher School of Economics" in Moscow, where the project leader has been a visiting professor since February 2017. The Schlangen­bad Talks, which have established themselves as a relevant and very successful event since 1987, also serve to provide policy advice.

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Frieden ist nur denkbar bei russischer Einsicht | 2022

Schmidt, Hans-Joachim (2022): Frieden ist nur denkbar bei russischer Einsicht. Prozess dürfte Jahrzehnte dauern, in: Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge (Hg.), Frieden, 2022:2, 10–13,

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Russland: Das Trauma der Trump-Administration | 2019

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2019): Russland: Das Trauma der Trump-Administration, in: Daase, Christopher/Kroll, Stefan (Hg.), Angriff auf die liberale Weltordnung. Die amerikanische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik unter Donald Trump, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 123-150.

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A stable crisis: Post-Soviet Eurasia | 2018

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2018): A stable crisis: Post-Soviet Eurasia, BTI Transformation Index 2018, 94-102,

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Vom "Liberalen" zum "Pluralen" Frieden – Plädoyer für eine neue Entspannungspolitik | 2018

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2018): Vom "Liberalen" zum "Pluralen" Frieden – Plädoyer für eine neue Entspannungspolitik, in: Bahr, Adelheid (Hg.), Warum wir Frieden und Freundschaft mit Russland brauchen, Frankfurt/Main: Westend, 165-171.

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Hornberger Schießen in Helsinki | 2018

Rogova, Vera / Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2018): Hornberger Schießen in Helsinki, PRIF BLOG, 18.7.2018.

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Trump’s Move on Iran Deal Raises Prominence of Putin-Merkel Meeting | 2018

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2018): Trump’s Move on Iran Deal Raises Prominence of Putin-Merkel Meeting, Valdai International Discussion Club, 18.5.2018.

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Russian Presidential Election: To the Victor, Stagnation | 2018

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2018): Russian Presidential Election: To the Victor, Stagnation, BTI Blog, 26.2.2018.

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Warsaw, Brussels and Berlin – not a marriage of convenience anymore | 2017

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2017): Warsaw, Brussels and Berlin – not a marriage of convenience anymore, Valdai International Discussion Club, 27.12.2017.

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The concert of powers and competing government models | 2017

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2017): The concert of powers and competing government models, in: Müller, Harald/Rauch, Carsten (eds), Great Power Multilateralism and the Prevention of War, Abingdon: Routledge, 125–143,

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"Pluraler Frieden" oder was sich in der Politik gegenüber Russland ändern sollte | 2017

Dembinski, Matthias / Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2017): "Pluraler Frieden" oder was sich in der Politik gegenüber Russland ändern sollte, in: Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 64:3, 339–348.

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Russland: Reset revisited? | 2017

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2017): Russland: Reset revisited?, in: Fehl, Caroline/Fey, Marco (Hg.), „America first“: Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der USA unter Präsident Trump, Frankfurt/M, 26–28, HSFK-Report Nr. 1/2017.

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"Plural Peace" – Principles of a New Russia Policy | 2017

Dembinski, Matthias / Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2017): "Plural Peace" – Principles of a New Russia Policy, PRIF Report No. 145, Frankfurt/M.

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Entspannung geboten | 2017

Dembinski, Matthias / Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2017): Entspannung geboten. Antwort auf die Kritiker des Pluralen Friedens, in: Osteuropa, 67:5, 135-142.

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Pluraler Frieden | 2017

Dembinski, Matthias / Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2017): Pluraler Frieden. Leitgedanken für eine neue Russlandpolitik, in: Osteuropa - Konfrontation. Frieden und Sicherheit in Europa, 3-4/2017, 87-96,

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„Pluraler Frieden“ – Leitgedanken zu einer neuen Russlandpolitik | 2017

Dembinski, Matthias / Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2017): „Pluraler Frieden“ – Leitgedanken zu einer neuen Russlandpolitik, HSFK-Report Nr. 2/2017, Frankfurt/M.

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New Old European Security Architecture - Building Bridges | 2016

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2016): New Old European Security Architecture - Building Bridges, Valdai International Discussion Club, 6.9.2016.

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Maidan and its implications | 2016

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2016): Maidan and its implications. Post-Soviet Eurasia, in: Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.), Transformation Index BTI 2016, Gütersloh/München: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 94-102,

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Russia’s Turn Eastward, China’s Turn Westward | 2016

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2016): Russia’s Turn Eastward, China’s Turn Westward. Cooperation and Conflict Along the New Silk Road, in: Russia in Global Affairs, 3, 134-151,

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Push and Pull: Russia's Pivot to Asia | 2016

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2016): Push and Pull: Russia's Pivot to Asia, PRIF Working Papers No. 29, Frankfurt/M.

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The Future of European Security | 2016

Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2016): The Future of European Security, in: DCAF (ed.), OSCE Focus. Conference Proceedings, Genf, 65-90.

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