The Evolution of Enforcement in the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons Regimes
Recent events in the Middle East, Ukraine, and North Korea show that the risk of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons is still high. While existing international security regimes related to these weapons are robust, they are in crisis. Violations and contestation of regimes create shocks and junctures that would either strengthen or weaken them. Compliance and enforcement are the normative practices to address such violations. The robustness of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons regimes correlates to the effectiveness of existing enforcement norms and procedures. Having all three regimes at a turning point makes analyzing the evolution of enforcement practices across the three regimes timely. The project involves a cross-regime analysis of enforcement norms and procedures to study the differences and offer an understanding of the implications for the regimes.
- Beyond the Echo Chamber: Creating a More Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive Nuclear Weapons Policy Field | 2023
Nair, Sneha / Fleming-Zhou, Ian / Reitmann, Louis / Hazarika, Monalisa / Albalawi, Almuntaser (2023): Beyond the Echo Chamber: Creating a More Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive Nuclear Weapons Policy Field, in: Kim Obergfaell (ed.), De-siloing Existential Threats: Challenging Identity, Power, and Inclusivity in the Nuclear Policy Field, London: BASIC, 26-35,
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- Middle East and North Africa | 2023
Albalawi, Almuntaser (2023): Middle East and North Africa, in: Kim Obergfaell (ed.), Regional Youth Perspectives on the NPT Review Process. An Early Career/Youth Consultation by BASIC’s Emerging Voices Network (EVN), London: BASIC, 22-27,
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