Attacks on life or legitimate military targets? Violence against infrastructure in armed conflicts

Civilians have suffered tremen­­dously in armed conflicts. However, the existing quanti­tative cross-national literature has taken a narrow view of civilian suffering as the number of civilians killed as a direct result of armed hosti­lities or one-sided violence. This narrow focus on counting the dead ignores the enormous suffering caused by the targeting of infra­structure in armed conflict. This kind of violence causes health and huma­nitarian crises at the time of the event, but even more so in its aftermath. Despite the catas­trophic conse­­quences of the targeting of infra­structure, this strategy has largely been neglected by scholars of civil war violence. The research project addresses this blind spot by investigating the causes and conse­quences of violence against infrastructure in a collaborative and inter­disciplinary manner over the next years.

Project director:
Die Transformation des Krieges und Angriffe auf zivile Infrastruktur | 2024

Schwab, Regine (2024): Die Transformation des Krieges und Angriffe auf zivile Infrastruktur, in: Mittelweg 36. Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung, 33:2, 32–54,

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The bombing of hospitals and local violence dynamics in civil wars: Evidence from Syria | 2023

Schwab, Regine / Krause, Werner / Massoud, Samer (2023): The bombing of hospitals and local violence dynamics in civil wars: Evidence from Syria, in: Households in Conflict Network,

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The weaponization of civilian infrastructure | 2023

Schwab, Regine (2023): The weaponization of civilian infrastructure, CPD Policy Blog, 5.7.2023.

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