Irem Demirci, Clara Perras, Victoria Scheyer, Simone Wisotzki

Backlash Against and Resistance To Feminist Peacebuilding


In their PRIF Report the authors focus on the various forms of resistance to and backlash against gender equality and gender-sensitive human rights in peacebuilding processes. Based on 33 interviews with key stakeholders, they explore how peacebuilders understand and perceive resistance to and backlash against the realisation of gender-sensitive human rights in peacebuilding. The report also sheds light on the counter-measures and strategies used by peacebuilders. Finally, the authors discuss the impact of feminist foreign policy on gender-sensitive human rights in peacebuilding.

Bibliographic record

Demirci, Irem / Perras, Clara / Scheyer, Victoria / Wisotzki, Simone (2023): Backlash Against and Resistance To Feminist Peacebuilding, PRIF Report 6/2023, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2306.

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