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PRIF Publication Series

Searched for: Journal Articles

  • Trust and Calculation in International Negotiations: How Trust Was Lost After Brexit
    | 2023
    Wille, Tobias; Martill, Benjamin (2023): Trust and Calculation in International Negotiations: How Trust Was Lost After Brexit, International Affairs, 99: 6, 2405–2422. DOI: 10.1093/ia/iiad243
  • Liquid-Based Time Projection Chambers for Detecting Low Energy Neutrinos
    | 2023
    Radermacher, Thomas; Roth, Stefan; Göttsche, Malte (2023): Liquid-Based Time Projection Chambers for Detecting Low Energy Neutrinos, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 2023: 1054, 1–9. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2023.168426
  • Leveraging large-scale multi-omics to identify therapeutic targets from genome-wide association studies
    | 2023
    Lessard, Samuel et al. (2023): Leveraging large-scale multi-omics to identify therapeutic targets from genome-wide association studies, medRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. DOI:
  • Zum Scheitern des internationalen Einsatzes in Afghanistan
    | 2023
    Gromes, Thorsten (2023): Zum Scheitern des internationalen Einsatzes in Afghanistan, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s11615-023-00508-9
  • Political audience and non-linear securitization: Revisiting Israel–Iran relations and the making of the 1979 Islamic Revolution
    | 2023
    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2023): Political audience and non-linear securitization: Revisiting Israel–Iran relations and the making of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, European Journal of International Security, 1–25. DOI: 10.1017/eis.2023.26
  • Unter Generalverdacht? Stigmatisierende Effekte der Islamismusprävention und Abmilderungsstrategien
    | 2023
    Abay Gaspar, Hande (2023): Unter Generalverdacht? Stigmatisierende Effekte der Islamismusprävention und Abmilderungsstrategien, Ligante: 6, 29–36.
  • Realismus als Theorie und Heuristik
    | 2023
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2023): Realismus als Theorie und Heuristik. Die ukrainisch-russisch-deutsche Dreiecksbeziehung seit 1992, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (ZIB), 30: 1, 85–108. DOI: 10.5771/0946-7165-2023-1-85
  • European and multi-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of atopic dermatitis highlights importance of systemic immune regulation
    | 2023
    Budu-Aggrey, Ashley et al. (2023): European and multi-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of atopic dermatitis highlights importance of systemic immune regulation, Nature Communications, 14. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-41180-2
  • Feministische Außenpolitik – Eine „unmögliche Allianz?”
    | 2023
    Standke-Erdmann, Madita (2023): Feministische Außenpolitik – Eine „unmögliche Allianz?”. Wie Steht Es Um Die Deutsche Feministische Außenpolitik?, 2023: 5: Netzwerk Friedenskooperative.
  • Noch immer nicht wirklich „umgelernt“
    | 2023
    Schoch, Bruno (2023): Noch immer nicht wirklich „umgelernt“, Außerschulische Bildung.
  • The consequences of trust and repression on the rise and fall of movements in authoritarian regimes
    | 2023
    Sika, Nadine (2023): The consequences of trust and repression on the rise and fall of movements in authoritarian regimes, International Journal of Comparative Sociology Special Issue: Trust in Social Movements, 65: 4, 448–463. DOI: 10.1177/00207152231200415
  • Utility-based predictions of military escalation: Why experts forecasted Russia would not invade Ukraine
    | 2023
    Driedger, Jonas J.; Polianskii, Mikhail (2023): Utility-based predictions of military escalation: Why experts forecasted Russia would not invade Ukraine, Contemporary Security Policy. DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2023.2259153
  • Symposium: Norm Contestation in International Peace and Security Law
    | 2023
    Lesch, Max; Marxsen, Christian (2023): Symposium: Norm Contestation in International Peace and Security Law, Heidelberg Journal of International Law, 83: 1, Heidelberg. DOI: 10.17104/0044-2348-2023-1
  • Preference Constellations in EU–Russian Crisis Bargaining over Syria and Ukraine
    | 2023
    Driedger, Jonas J.; Krotz, Ulrich (2023): Preference Constellations in EU–Russian Crisis Bargaining over Syria and Ukraine, Journal of Common Market Studies. DOI: 10.1111/jcms.13513
  • Articulating Change and Responsibility: Identity, Memory, and the Use of Historical Narratives in German Parliamentary Debates on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
    | 2023
    Tkocz, Maximilian; Stritzel, Holger (2023): Articulating Change and Responsibility: Identity, Memory, and the Use of Historical Narratives in German Parliamentary Debates on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, German Politics. DOI: 10.1080/09644008.2023.2252765
  • Infrastrukturen der Gewalt. Lützerath, Dannenröder Forst und die Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung
    | 2023
    Haudenschild, Daniel; Anderl, Felix; Stühlen, Christin (2023): Infrastrukturen der Gewalt. Lützerath, Dannenröder Forst und die Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung, Wissenschaft und Frieden , 2: 41, 10–14.
  • Antineutrino detection concepts for safeguarding spent nuclear fuel
    | 2023
    Schnellbach, Yan-Jie; Radermacher, Thomas; Niemeyer, Irmgard; Roth, Stefan; Göttsche, Malte (2023): Antineutrino detection concepts for safeguarding spent nuclear fuel, Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal, 2. DOI: 10.5194/sand-2-203-2023
  • Liquid-organic time projection chamber for detecting low energy antineutrinos
    | 2023
    Radermacher, Thomas; Johannes, Bosse; Friedrich, Sarah; Göttsche, Malte; Roth, Stefan; Schwefer, Georg (2023): Liquid-organic time projection chamber for detecting low energy antineutrinos, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1054. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2023.168426
  • Florian Wettstein, ‘Business and Human Rights: Ethical, Legal and Managerial Perspectives (Rezension)
    | 2023
    Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth (2023): Florian Wettstein, ‘Business and Human Rights: Ethical, Legal and Managerial Perspectives (Rezension), Nachhaltigkeitsrecht, 3: 1, Wien: Verlag Österreich, 105–107.
    ISBN: 9781009158398
  • Globalising the study of diffusion
    | 2023
    Lenz, Tobias; Reiss, Mariel (2023): Globalising the study of diffusion. Multiple sources and the East African Community, Journal of European Public Policy, 31: 11, 3703–3731. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2245448
  • Challenges for Cyber Arms Control: A Qualitative Expert Interview Study
    | 2023
    Reinhold, Thomas; Pleil, Helene; Reuter, Christian (2023): Challenges for Cyber Arms Control: A Qualitative Expert Interview Study, Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 16, 289–310. DOI: 10.1007/s12399-023-00960-w
  • Reporting of conflict fatalities in the UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset
    | 2023
    Gromes, Thorsten (2023): Reporting of conflict fatalities in the UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset. insights from Kosovo, Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft. DOI: 10.1007/s12286-023-00573-9
  • Islands of Trust in a Sea of Locational Competition
    | 2023
    Simon, Hendrik (2023): Islands of Trust in a Sea of Locational Competition. Towards Transnational Solidarity in Corporation-based Workers Networks, Journal of Political Sociology, Special Issue on Solidarity in Global Value Chains.
  • The EU Response to Foreign Interference
    | 2023
    Harth, Lukas; Kriener, Florian; Wolff, Jonas (2023): The EU Response to Foreign Interference, Heidelberg Journal of International Law (HJIL)/Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (ZaöRV), 83: 2, 197–207. DOI: 10.17104/0044-2348-2023-2-197
  • Supporting Local Actors in Times of Conflict: The Civil Peace Service and Its Various Actors
    | 2023
    Ruppel, Samantha; Rieche, Bernd; Sayndee, T. Debey; Schlimpert, Christoph; López, María Requena (2023): Supporting Local Actors in Times of Conflict: The Civil Peace Service and Its Various Actors, In Factis Pax, 17: 1, 109–132.
  • Recent Developments in the National Implementation of Biological Weapons Convention: What Happened Since Resolution 1540?
    | 2023
    de Vries, Barry (2023): Recent Developments in the National Implementation of Biological Weapons Convention: What Happened Since Resolution 1540?, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 28: 3.
  • Overcoming ‘Smallness’: Niger as an Elected Member of the UN Security Council, 2020–2022
    | 2023
    Souaré, Issaka K. (2023): Overcoming ‘Smallness’: Niger as an Elected Member of the UN Security Council, 2020–2022, 30: 3: International Peacekeeping, 334-357. DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2023.2187380
  • Introduction to the Forum
    | 2023
    Witt, Antonia; Anderl, Felix (2023): Introduction to the Forum, Millennium, 51: 1, 1–5. DOI: 10.1177/03058298221139330
  • Contested Facts: The Politics and Practice of International Fact-Finding Mission
    | 2023
    Lesch, Max (2023): Contested Facts: The Politics and Practice of International Fact-Finding Mission, International Studies Review, 25: 3, 1–27. DOI: 10.1093/isr/viad034
  • Conflictividad, (des)confianza y pluralismo jurídico en la región andina
    | 2023
    Wolff, Jonas (2023): Conflictividad, (des)confianza y pluralismo jurídico en la región andina, Andares: Revista en Derechos Humanos y de la Naturaleza, 2: 3, 26–36. DOI: 10.32719/29536782.2023.1.3
  • Imagining Meaningful Human Control
    | 2023
    Ferl, Anna-Katharina (2023): Imagining Meaningful Human Control. Autonomous Weapons and the (De-)Legitimisation of Future Warfare, Global Society, 38: 1, 139–155. DOI: 10.1080/13600826.2023.2233004
  • Mapping as Problematization of the Global
    | 2023
    Witt, Antonia; Anderl, Felix (2023): Mapping as Problematization of the Global, Millennium, 51: 1, 13–22. DOI: 10.1177/03058298221139330
  • Social Integration Through Conflict: Mechanisms and Challenges in Pluralist Democracies
    | 2023
    Deitelhoff, Nicole; Schmelzle, Cord (2023): Social Integration Through Conflict: Mechanisms and Challenges in Pluralist Democracies, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. DOI: 10.1007/s11577-023-00886-3
  • Rezension zu Oliver Eberl: Naturzustand und Barbarei. Begründung und Kritik staatlicher Ordnung im Zeichen des Kolonialismus
    | 2023
    Kroll, Stefan (2023): Rezension zu Oliver Eberl: Naturzustand und Barbarei. Begründung und Kritik staatlicher Ordnung im Zeichen des Kolonialismus, Comparativ, 32: 5, 646–649.
  • Forging an African Union Identity: The Power of Experience
    | 2023
    Witt, Antonia (2023): Forging an African Union Identity: The Power of Experience, Global Studies Quarterly, 3: 3, 1–12. DOI: 10.1093/isagsq/ksad052
  • Shrinking Civic Spaces as a complex challenge to human rights and peace
    | 2023
    Wolff, Jonas (2023): Shrinking Civic Spaces as a complex challenge to human rights and peace, Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte/Journal for Human Rights, 17: 1, 171–184.
  • Norm Contestation in the Law Against War: Towards an Interdisciplinary Analytical Framework
    | 2023
    Lesch, Max; Marxsen, Christian (2023): Norm Contestation in the Law Against War: Towards an Interdisciplinary Analytical Framework, Heidelberg Journal of International Law, 83: 1: Nomos, 11–38. DOI: 10.17104/0044-2348-2023-1-11
  • From Norm Violations to Norm Development: Deviance, International Institutions, and the Torture Prohibition.
    | 2023
    Lesch, Max (2023): From Norm Violations to Norm Development: Deviance, International Institutions, and the Torture Prohibition., International Studies Quarterly, 67: 3, 1–14. DOI: 10.1093/isq/sqad043
  • How the Russia–Ukraine War Could End, and Its Impact on Conventional Arms Control
    | 2023
    Schmidt, Hans-Joachim (2023): How the Russia–Ukraine War Could End, and Its Impact on Conventional Arms Control, Instituto Affari Internazionali, 23: 10, 1–12.
  • ExTRUST: Reducing Exploit Stockpiles With a Privacy-Preserving Depletion System for Inter-State Relationships
    | 2023
    Reinhold, Thomas; Kuehn, Philipp; Günther, Daniel; Schneider, Thomas; Reuter, Christian (2023): ExTRUST: Reducing Exploit Stockpiles With a Privacy-Preserving Depletion System for Inter-State Relationships, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 4: 2, 158–170. DOI: 10.1109/TTS.2023.3280356
  • The path of least resistance: why international institutions maintain dialogue forums
    | 2023
    Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Schumann, Diane (2023): The path of least resistance: why international institutions maintain dialogue forums, International Affairs, 99: 3, 941–961. DOI: 10.1093/ia/iiad032
  • Zivilgesellschaft in pandemischen Zeiten: Einschränkungen und Reaktionen
    | 2023
    Bethke, Felix S.; Wolff, Jonas (2023): Zivilgesellschaft in pandemischen Zeiten: Einschränkungen und Reaktionen, Weiterbildung. Zeitschrift für Grundlagen, Praxis und Trends, 2023: 1, 32–35.
  • Blutiger Boden. Zur Rolle von Territorium im Russisch-Ukrainischen Krieg
    | 2023
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2023): Blutiger Boden. Zur Rolle von Territorium im Russisch-Ukrainischen Krieg, W&F Wissenschaft und Frieden, 41: 2, 50–53.
  • The Stopping Power of Sources: Implied Causal Mechanisms and Historical Interpretations in (Mearsheimer’s) Arguments on the Russo-Ukrainian War
    | 2023
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2023): The Stopping Power of Sources: Implied Causal Mechanisms and Historical Interpretations in (Mearsheimer’s) Arguments on the Russo-Ukrainian War, Analyse & Kritik, 45: 1, 137–155. DOI: 10.1515/auk-2023-2006
  • Preventing the Escalation of Cyber Conflicts: Towards an Approach To Plausibly Assure the Non-Involvement in a Cyberattack
    | 2023
    Reinhold, Thomas; Reuter, Christian (2023): Preventing the Escalation of Cyber Conflicts: Towards an Approach To Plausibly Assure the Non-Involvement in a Cyberattack, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-023-00099-7
  • Bürger*innen üben sich in Diplomatie. Friedenspolitische Chancen neuer Beteiligungsformate in der Außenpolitik
    | 2023
    Pfeifer, Hanna; Geis, Anna; Opitz, Christian (2023): Bürger*innen üben sich in Diplomatie. Friedenspolitische Chancen neuer Beteiligungsformate in der Außenpolitik, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 2023: 2, 36–39.
  • Budget politics and democratization in Tunisia: The loss of consensus and the erosion of trust
    | 2023
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2023): Budget politics and democratization in Tunisia: The loss of consensus and the erosion of trust, Mediterranean Politics. DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2023.2207429
  • Lockdown of Expression
    | 2023
    Bethke, Felix S.; Wolff, Jonas (2023): Lockdown of Expression. Civic space restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic as a response to mass protests, Democratization, 30: 6. DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2023.2209021
  • Socioeconomic reforms in times of political transformation: Conflicts over the political economy in Egypt and Tunisia post-2011
    | 2023
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2023): Socioeconomic reforms in times of political transformation: Conflicts over the political economy in Egypt and Tunisia post-2011, Mediterranean Politics. DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2023.2207428
  • "Review 2024"? Für eine Zeitenwende im Auswärtigen Amt
    | 2023
    Brockmeier, Sarah (2023): "Review 2024"? Für eine Zeitenwende im Auswärtigen Amt, APuZ – Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 17: 3: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 40–45.