
Are you a journalist looking for experts for an interview, a background discussion or as a studio guest? Contact our press and public relations team. We will find the right interview partners for you. Our researchers are experienced in media and can explain complex issues concisely.

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Ursula Grünenwald

Dr. Ursula Grünenwald

Public Relations Officer

Tel.: 069 - 959104-13
Mobile: 0163 - 7818460
E-Mail: presse(at)

PRIF Media Contributions

Deutschlandfunk – Daniel Mullis (in German)

hr INFO – Claudia Baumgart-Ochse (in German)

Tagesspiegel – Nicole Deitelhoff (in German)

Table.Media – Sarah Brockmeier-Large (Paywall, in German)

ZDF logo! – Nicole Deitelhoff (in German)

PRIF Press Releases

KI, 3D-Druck und Gentechnik: Technologische Trends, die Frieden und Sicherheit beeinflussen

Einladung zur Konferenz „The Excessive Use of Force“ in Gießen vom 30. Oktober bis 1. November 2024

Frankfurter Tagung „Extreme Rechte in Hessen. Analysen und Gegenstrategien“ verbindet wissenschaftliche und zivilgesellschaftliche Expertise

Politische Bildung stärken und vergessene Konflikte sichtbar machen: Heute wird der PRIF-Schulpreis für die besten Beiträge aus hessischen Schulen verliehen

Local Perceptions of the AU and ECOWAS Interventions

Panoramic photo of about two dozen people sitting in a circle of chairs in an interior room and discussing.

Focus group discussion with citizens in São Domingos, Guinea-Bissau, on the border with Senegal.

Sophia Birchinger conducts research in Guinea-Bissau

From September 9 to December 12, 2024, Sophia Birchinger visits Guinea-Bissau to conduct interview and focus group research for her PhD project “Perceptions of Coercion: AU and ECOWAS Interventions in The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau”. Her aim is to explore local perspec­tives on the peace missions of the African Union and ECOWAS. Her research is not only supported by PRIF, but also funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE).

On site, Sophia Birchinger is supported by the civil society organization “Forum de Paz”. She has also been an Associate Fellow at the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa (INEP) in Guinea-Bissau since November 2024. She presented her research findings from The Gambia on the role of the AU and ECOWAS in a lecture and subsequent discussion on October 8, 2024, which was followed by a discussion on the situation in Guinea-Bissau. In cooperation with the Universidade Colinas de Boé, Sophia Birchinger also organized a seminar on qualitative research designs and methods with students and teaching staff on 8 November 2024.

In preparation for her field research, Sophia Birchinger published an article on the PRIF blog together with Wilson Pedro Te.
