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Ursula Grünenwald

Dr. Ursula Grünenwald

Public Relations Officer

Tel.: 069 - 959104-13
Mobile: 0163 - 7818460
E-Mail: presse(at)

PRIF Media Contributions

Tagesspiegel – Frank Kuhn (in German, Paywall)

de Volkskrant – Regine Schwab (in Dutch, paywall)

Süddeutsche Zeitung – Daniel Mullis (in German, Paywall)

Simplicissimus (YouTube) – Jonas J. Driedger (from Min. 15, in German)

PRIF Press Releases

Neue PRIF-Blogreihe zur Bundestagswahl 2025

KI, 3D-Druck und Gentechnik: Technologische Trends, die Frieden und Sicherheit beeinflussen

Einladung zur Konferenz „The Excessive Use of Force“ in Gießen vom 30. Oktober bis 1. November 2024

New Insights for Debates on Social Cohesion

Stefan Kroll

Stefan Kroll starts Leibniz Visit to Singapore

The dynamics of social fragmentation and polarization have received increasing attention in academic debates and politics in recent years. While there is a consensus that these challenges to social cohesion are not unique to Germany, international approaches to understanding and solving the problem are often only received very selectively.

In order to gain new impetus for the discussion and promote social science exchange, Stefan Kroll will be visiting the German Embassy in Singapore in the coming months as part of the Leibniz Association and Federal Foreign Office's hospitation program. The focus of his stay, which will last from January 15 to April 15, 2025, will be on the concepts that science and politics have developed in Singapore to understand and promote social cohesion. On site, he will have the opportunity to take an in-depth look at the approaches taken to date and to explore the extent to which these can be linked to the debate in Germany. Among other things, he will contribute know­ledge that PRIF covers in a cross-sectional area of its current research program.

In this context, it is also intended to initiate stronger net­working with key actors. These include actors from science, science policy and science administration as well as the business community in Singapore's diverse society.

Since 2013, the Leibniz Association's and the Federal Foreign Office's Science Hospitation Program (“Leibniz AA Program” for short) has enabled senior staff in science administration, scientific coordination and press and public relations work at Leibniz institutions to deepen their networks and gain inter­cultural experience.
