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Nicole Doerr is new guest professor at PRIF and ConTrust
New PRIF Report on Israel‘s support for Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
PRIF researcher is a member of the Advisory Board on Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding
International conference on the role of media and journalists in peacebuilding takes place in Colombia in 2023
Felix S. Bethke assesses the peace agreement between Ethiopia and the TPFL in his new PRIF Spotlight
First TraCe Working Paper outlines research program on political violence
The PrEval project brings together stakeholders from science and professional practice. The official kick-off took place in Berlin on December 9.
Second volume of the annotated bibliography on the history of theory published
On 13.12.2022 the TraCe Kick-Off took place in Berlin
GKKE presents this year's report at the Federal Press Conference