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Matthias Dembinski and Theresa Reinold discuss the impact of the Libya intervention on the perceptions held by regional actors toward the concept of…
Rüdiger Hartmann and Hans-Joachim Schmidt evaluate the merits of conventional arms control and discuss its future role
Cemal Karakas analyzes in the new PRIF Report US and German reactions to the rise of political Islam in Turkey
In the new PRIF Report Peter Kreuzer analyses violence as an instrument in the Southern Philppines
Harald Müller presents various measures for pushing the peace process and arms control forward in Mid East
Contributions to the new research program
The Hessian Peace Prize 2011 will be awarded to Japanese UN diplomat Sadako Ogata on 6th December in Wiesbaden
HSFK Study No. 14 by Anna Schor-Tschudnowskaja
Germany's Federal Ministry of Defence decided to cancel its participation at the costly missile defence program MEADS. Already six years ago, two PRIF…
PRIF contributes to brochure on "Security" published by the Alliance of German research organizations