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Harald Müller presents his concept of nuclear disarmament in the latest HSFK-Report
Annette Schaper shows in PRIF Report No. 109 future prospects of the disarmament of fissile material
Annegret Flohr, Jonas Wolff and Lisbeth Zimmermann offer consultation at "Office of Upheaval Mastery"
Moira Feil analyzes governance contributions of business in Ruanda the Democratic Republic of Congo
In PRIF Report No. 108, Harald Müller, Marco Fey, Sabine Mannitz and Niklas Schörnig analyse why the increasing number of foreign deployments by…
Andreas Haidvogel analyzes political input of commercial actors in the Ulster peace process
PRIF receives funding for ethnologic research group "Political Globalization and its Cultural Dynamics" and Leibniz research network "Contested World…
Susanne Fischer examines the role of tourism businesses in Israel and the Palestinian territories
New HSFK-Standpunkt by Jörg Krempel on the situation in Burundi one year after the elections in 2010
PRIF Working Paper No. 10 by Anja P. Jakobi on the concepts of "power" and "change" from the perspective of sociological Institutionalism