Development and Peace Foundation (sef:)

Antonia Witt appointed to advisory board

Antonia Witt

Antonia Witt, Foto: PRIF

Antonia Witt has been appoin­ted to the Advi­sory Board of the Develop­ment and Peace Foun­dation (sef:). The Develop­ment and Peace Foundation (sef:) was estab­lished in 1986 by Willy Brandt, among others, as a non-­partisan and non-profit foun­dation. It is an inde­pendent inter­national forum where repre­sentatives from politics, aca­demia, civil society and busi­ness can discuss issues relating to develop­ment and peace. The foun­dation's advisory board is made up of 15 mem­bers and meets once a year.

Antonia Witt is Head of the Re­search Group African Inter­vention Politics. Her research interests include peace inter­ventions, politi­cal crises and coups in Africa as well as African regional orga­nizations. During her five-year tenure, she will support the foun­dation in con­ceptual and aca­demic matters.